February 20, 2009

You Tube

Apparently Nancy Pelosi has told Rolling Stone that she is open to the idea of prosecuting Bush officials. Jonathan Turley is pessimistic as am I.

As Turley notes, Pelosi blocked impeachment hearings and can't be trusted to be an honest broker for any accountability of the Bush administration after having done that. I'll believe that Pelosi will actually hold the Bush administration to account for anything they've done when I see it. Until then, it's all hot air.

It's tragic that Bush officials managed to make the leadership in the Democratic party complicit with them after 9-11 when they had them scared to death about losing elections if they didn't go along with them on the torture of prisoners, and they've likely been black mailing them more or less for their silence on this and the other criminal activities as well that the Dems are aware of ever since.

Brad Friedman weighed in on this and I agree with his slant. Pelosi Tells Rolling Stone She 'Thinks' She Can Foresee Prosecution of Senior Bush Admin Officials

In today's Tim Dickinson interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in Rolling Stone, it sure seems like she's leaning towards accountability for the criminals in the Bush Administration. Many of her words sound like the correct ones, even if she's a bit too enamored of Leahy's "Truth and Reconciliation Committee" proposal, which, among other "shameful" things, would likely results in a whole bunch of immunity, to a whole bunch of folks who deserve no such thing.

But she says she supports what Conyers is doing in the Judiciary Committee, in continuing to pursue Rove, Bolten and Miers. She says she can foresee a scenario in which senior members of the Administration are actually prosecuted. She says "The American people do not want wrongdoing to go unaddressed." She even said similar words to Fox "News" two days before the Inauguration.

So why does it always feel like she's still sitting on a fence? And, if she really believes these words she says, as House Speaker, can't she do more to make them happen?

She's sitting on that fence because she's likely been told that if you take the Bush administration down, you're going down with them. And torture is not the only issue they're at risk for. The reason for invading Iraq and the spying on American citizens are the other big two that the Democrats went along with, and don't want to be held accountable for either. Our "Gang of Eight" is the biggest obstruction we've got to ever holding the Bush crowd accountable for what they've done and until all of these people are voted out of office or retire I don't see that changing.

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