March 6, 2010

Lawrence O'Donnell talks to Mother Jones' David Corn about why some conservatives, including a former member of the Bush administration official are none too happy with Liz Cheney and her group Keep America Safe's latest bit of fear mongering attacking the Justice Department.

Sam Stein at the HuffPo has more -- Conservatives Turn Against Liz Cheney - As Bad As McCarthy:

The backlash is growing against Liz Cheney after she demonized Department of Justice attorneys as terrorist sympathizers for their past legal work defending Gitmo detainees -- and now it's coming from within deeply conservative legal circles.

On Friday, the conservative blog Power Line put up a post titled, "An Attack That Goes Too Far." Author Paul Mirengoff, called Cheney's effort to brand DoJ officials the "Al Qaeda 7," "vicious" and "unfounded" even if it was right to criticize defense lawyers for voluntarily doing work on behalf of Gitmo detainees.

Reached on the phone, Mirengoff offered an even sharper rebuke, contrasting what Cheney is doing to the anti-communist crusades launched by Sen. Joseph McCarthy and, in some respects, finding it worse. Read on...

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