From The Colbert Report:
Stephen understands what Glenn Beck is going through when the media doubts his sincerity.
More brilliance from Stephen.
Colbert: It's like looking into a mirror-- after you've done a ton of coke off of it. Clearly... clearly Glenn Beck... clearly Glenn Beck is as sincere in what he says and does as I am in believing that baby carrots are trying to turn me gay. And folks that is great news. Because if he and I don't believe what we say... and don't mean what we feel, then you our viewers aren't just being intellectually impoverished. You're being emotionally defrauded. And that would be a cynical manipulation of Americans' legitimate fears.
In which case, we shouldn't be on T.V. at all. (Starts sobbing.) And I don't know about Glenn Beck... but that idea makes me very sad. I'm sorry... I just love my paycheck so much.