What can I say to add to what the panel on the Chris Matthews show had to say about health care reform other than thanks for recommending a kick on the chin Chris? Wall Street doesn't like it so let's carry water for the investment class that's making money from the insurance industry denying care to average Americans, and let's use the fear of the economy getting worse that Wall Street helped to wreck as a reason to feign concern over whether anything gets done or not. And while we're at it, let's also tell the "left wing" that they need to "take it on the chin" so we don't upset the Wall Street bankers.
About the only good thing I saw coming out of this segment was the admission that a whole lot of what's driving the health care debate in this country is not about what's good for Americans, but what's good for Wall Street. Until that changes, nothing is going to improve with our health insurance or health care delivery system in the United States.