Maybe a better question for Chris Matthews would be why MSNBC treats the gossip rag The Politico who servers as Cheney's 'news conduit' as a credible
January 5, 2010

Maybe a better question for Chris Matthews would be why MSNBC treats the gossip rag The Politico who servers as Cheney's 'news conduit' as a credible news source that they bring on their network constantly. The Politico's Jonathan Martin did look like he was caught off guard with this one.

From Think Progress--Matthews: Politico Serves As The Drudge-Like ‘News Conduit’ For Dick Cheney:

Does Cheney “have a thing with Politico?” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews asked Politico’s Jonathan Martin today on Hardball. “He uses you like he’d use Drudge or somebody,” Matthews charged. A stunned Martin had no response for why Cheney has been so willing to give Politico “exclusives.” “You’d have to ask the Vice President, Chris,” Martin responded, “I’m not sure.” Matthews kept pressing the issue:

MATTHEWS: I mean, he’s got his own news conduit.

MARTIN: You know, we aggressively report on both sides.

MATTHEWS: It’s not reporting. He feeds you this stuff. … I do like Politico. He’s feeding you guys this crap. [...]

What’s he call up and say? “I got a hot one for you, Jon. Can you take — what’s your email address?” Is that what he does?

As Raw Story noted, Mike Allen has already been roundly criticized in the blogs for his fact-checking free interview with Dick Cheney. If The Politico wants to continue to work with and act like Matt Drudge with being willing to recycle Republican smears without question, none of them should be surprised when they finally get called out for it on the air.

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