August 10, 2010

This is good news. Looks like Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks is going to get another chance to guest host on MSNBC. He filled in for Dylan Ratigan for part of the week while he was gone on vacation and then for Chris Jansing last week and now he's going to get a chance to fill in for Ed Schultz next week. Good for Cenk. As I said before, MSNBC needs to just go ahead and give him his own slot and it would help make up for them canning David Shuster. We need some more progressive voices on our cable news shows and this makes me about as happy as I was when I found out Rachel was going to get her own show on there. Maybe we'll find out soon that Cenk is going to get his own show as well.

Cenk laid out one thing he wants to do while he's filling in for Ed.

Uygur: For example next week, what I'd love to do, is I'd love to punch Ronald Reagan's ghost in the mouth, okay. Not Ronald Reagan himself. God bless him. He's passed on to greener pastures alright, but the ghost of Ronald Reagan.

Oh, Ronald Reagan was awesome! No he wasn't. Okay, I'm going to show, we'll get an opportunity next week and I'm coming and we are going to do the Ed Schultz show and I hope I can do these segments for you guys to show you how Ronald Reagan was unelectable by today's standards, not as a Republican, even as a Democrat, totally unelectable, okay, would never make it through the primaries, wouldn't make it through anything.

He'd get destroyed by Fox News. Now why do I want to get that message out and why is it important we do it on national T.V.? So that the rest of the country can wake up, these guys in power, the media, the politicians, etc. and say "Hey wait a minute now, maybe this country has shifted way over to the right. Maybe we've lost our bearings. Maybe the center of the country is nowhere near where we are now."

Because if Reagan is unelectable as a Democrat today, then where the hell is the country? It's off the charts to the right wing.

I could not agree more. If they're going to make him go up against Ed's usual guests that should be interesting, most of whom I can't stand and who IMO ruin the show a lot of times since Ed's way too friendly to the wingers he regularly has on his show. We'll see if Ron Christie, Heidi Harris, Scott Hennen and Ernest Istook think it's such a great idea to go Ed's show if it's Cenk they have to debate. Note to Ed Schultz... get some better guests buddy. I'd rather see you having on some good progressive voices that don't get enough air time than you trying to argue with those wingnuts any day of the week.

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