I don't know what President Obama is going to say tomorrow night about what he's going to do next, but if they don't do something to get control of this crime scene out of BP's hands, they're never going to be held responsible for any of this.
They've got operators that aren't doing anything about the thousands of calls pouring into their offices.
They're using these dispersants to hide the size of the oil spill.
Kitchen Science: Dispersants at Work, Hiding BP’s Colossal Mess
They could care less if they're booming properly.
Rachel Maddow: How Not to Respond to an Oil Spill -- Booming Fails on Louisiana Coast
And as Keith discussed with toxicologist Riki Ott, they're covering up the crime scene by removing the dead animals from the shorelines.
Robert Reich's suggestion to put them into receivership is sounding better day by day if it's possible with them being a foreign company. At this point, I don't even care if it's legal or not as long as they're not allowed to continue doing what they are now. Let the courts hammer it out later.