Politics is making for some strange bedfellows these days. Keith Olbermann talked to Sen. Bernie Sanders about whether he and Senator Jim DeMint might filibuster the deal made by the White House and Republicans to extend the Bush tax
December 8, 2010

Politics is making for some strange bedfellows these days. Keith Olbermann talked to Sen. Bernie Sanders about whether he and Senator Jim DeMint might filibuster the deal made by the White House and Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts.

Sanders, DeMint pledge to filibuster Obama-GOP tax cut deal:

The US Senate's most liberal and most conservative member have both come out strongly against the bipartisan compromise on tax cuts between President Barack Obama and Republicans.

Self-avowed democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Tuesday evening promised he will "do whatever it takes" to prevent passage of the measure, objecting to its temporary two-year extension of tax cuts for the highest income earners, a centerpiece of the Republican agenda.

A fierce opponent of the high-end tax breaks, Sanders appeared on television Tuesday blasting the deal as a "moral outrage." He depicted it a Republican ploy to hold the middle class "hostage" to the demands of millionaires and billionaires.

Sanders' office confirmed to Raw Story that he will filibuster the measure, becoming the first senator to announce such an intention, and will court others to do the same.

Also on Tuesday, after Obama's prime time pitch depicting the bill as a necessary compromise to move forward, arch-conservative Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) said he'll also filibuster to the bill, but for different reasons than Sanders. Read on...

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