And the dust up continues between Stewart and O'Reilly.
Apparently in Bill-O's world, you can't watch Fox "News" for eight hours a day, as Jon Stewart claims he does and "still be a pinhead." I'd like to know how you can watch Fox for more than a few hours, or for that matter depending who is on there, for more than a few minutes. I couldn't take watching Glenn Beck when he was on for more than a couple of minutes and that was it. Channel was getting changed.
This reminds me of a story Al Franken told back when he was writing his book Lies (And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them) and he talked about how the interns he was paying to help him with research for the book who were watching Fox and listening to right-wing hate talk radio were actually becoming physically ill from it. Just the thought of eight hours of Fox a day is making me a little nauseous right now.