My favorite member of the Senate, Vermont's Bernie Sanders made an appearance on C-SPAN's Washington Journal and countered some of the talking points we've been hearing out of the likes of Alan Simpson and most of our media for that matter who are out there breathlessly talking about how we need to "reform" Social Security because it's supposedly going broke.
Sen. Sanders recommended an idea to make Social Security solvent for the next seventy five years, which was something our president advocated for when he was still Senator Obama, and that is to leave the payroll tax as it is now for those making under $250,000 a year, but over that amount of income, lift the cap and tax it as the same rate as those making under the current $106,000 cap. I'd be happy to see them do that or just get rid of the cap all together and lower the rate for everyone. Getting our politicians to go along with that is another matter entirely though. They'd rather make all of us work until we're dead or so old no one can enjoy their retirement.