Weekend Talkshows Past with Meet The Press, featuring an interview with Director Of Internal Revenue Mortimer M. Caplin - collecting taxes in 1962.
July 30, 2011

Mortimer M. Caplin - Taxes and the man who collected them in 1962.

As all eyes and ears are on the state of the government and the current debit crisis, perhaps a little distraction in the form of Tax collection circa 1962 might be a good idea (or not).

Mortimer Caplin was director of Internal Revenue under the JFK Administration and was given the somewhat onerous task of revamping what had become (even in 1962) an archaic and largely loophole-ridden institution.

Caplin was the one who introduced Computer technology (however Neanderthal at the time) to the IRS and tried to get some uniformity to the tax code.

See . .it's not just 2011 - it's forever.

Here is Meet The Press from April 1, 1962 featuring Lawrence Spivak and the usual suspects interviewing Mortimer M. Caplin on the state of our Internal Revenue.

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