Veering away from our usual diet of Politics or Popular Culture this weekend, I ran across this lecture given by Writer and Philosopher Aldous Huxley given at M.I.T. in September of 1961. Huxley gave a series of five lectures at various times in the late 1950's and early 1960's. A series he delivered at UC Santa Barbara in 1959 is pretty much the same as the M.I.T. series.
This lecture is entitled "What A Piece Of Work Man Is". Seems apropos for the times and I'm sure Aldous Huxley would have much to say about our current cultural dilemma.
If you're not familiar with the lectures of Huxley, or only know him through his Science Fiction (aka: Brave New World), here's a good excuse to check him out.
From the tone of this second of five lectures it seems we've always had the same issues - it's just now they seem more insane.
Or maybe not.