August 6, 2009


(People just get sick - it's what people do.)

It always sounds like a good idea and it's always debated, and it makes great soundbites, and it sometimes gets votes. But the seemingly endless debate on a National Health Plan I'm sad to say, never quite goes anywhere.

In 1974 President Nixon offered a Health Plan. Actually, he offered one in 1972 and in 1973 - with each year being dubbed "The Year Of The Health Plan", but nothing ever came of it.

So in response to this version of a health plan offered by Nixon, Senators Ted Kennedy and Wilbur Mills offered an alternative, one which would be funded via Social Security. Kennedy explained the details of his plan in a radio address on May 22, 1974. Granted, the timing wasn't particularly terrific - with Impeachment hearings looming and most of America reeling from daily revelations.

So, as history has shown, the Kennedy/Mills idea of a Health Plan didn't fly either.

Someday, one will.

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