Sunday Gramophone - Violinist Lola Bobesco plays Cesar Franck: Sonata for Violin and Piano - the 1950 recording for Decca Records (London Records).
November 21, 2010

Lola Bobesco - a huge and popular career as a fiddlers fiddler.

An early lp this week. From a session recorded in 1950 for the Decca Record Company in England, Roumanian/Belgian violinist Lola Bobesco with her long time accompanist Jacques Genty in a performance of the Violin Sonata in A Major.

Bobesco had a long and illustrious career, spanning several decades (from the 1930's) and was active all the way into the digital recording period just before her death in 2003 and was instrumental in furthering the cause of the Belgian School of violin playing.

I would imagine this disc has been reissued on CD, although Bobesco has recorded this Sonata several times so it's possible this may have not. In any event, here it is.

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