May 1, 2011

Jean Giardino - not a household name.

Again this week from the French Radio Transcription collection. This one is a radio studio performance of a ballet written in 1935 by Marcel Delannoy. Cendrillon (Cinderella) and performed in this recording by the French National Orchestra conducted by Jean Giardino. Giardino is not a terribly familiar name outside of France unless you collect French 78 rpm discs and early lp's from the 1940's and early 1950's. He recorded almost exclusively for Pathe`. Delannoy is primarily known these days as a soundtrack composer as well as music critic, but his early works received good reviews and considerable attention from his contemporaries, including Ravel.

Here's a recording that probably hasn't been heard since it was first made of a piece that is seldom performed.


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