July 29, 2010

(and if you woke up in Newark this morning in 1967 it would look like this)

In true Dickensian fashion, it was the best of times and worst of times. While the Summer of Love was flourishing so was the Long Hot Summer, the Summer of Discontent. While the Anti-War Movement spread around the country, so did civil unrest. It was, for all intents and purposes, a year of simultaneous extremes.

So this newscast, News Around The World from ABC Radio on July 29, 1967 tried to chronicle the events of another baffling week, this summer of 1967.

Among those voices was Dr. Martin Luther King.

Dr. Martin Luther King: “A nation that can spend thirty five billion dollars to fight what I consider an unjust ill-considered war in Vietnam and spend twenty billion dollars to put a man on the Moon can certainly spend billions of dollars to put God’s children on their own two feet right here on earth.”

And there was really no letup in sight. But it does make you understand a bit better why so many people opted to drop out.

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