October 5, 2011

Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth (1922-2011)- Fearless

It is with great sadness to report that one of the most dynamic, outspoken and courageous leaders of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's and 1960's has died this morning.

Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth was at the forefront of the early Civil Rights Movement, having withstood countless attempts on his life, destruction of his church and untold years of frustration. Throughout all of it he never flinched, never wavered in his commitment to the Civil Rights struggle.

As way of a tribute to the man and his struggle, here is a portion of an address given in Birmingham on April of 1963.

Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth: “Negroes are not concerned about white folks smiling at them, they’ve been smiling for years. What the Negroes are concerned about is how far is it from here to my freedom”.

Rest In Peace, Reverend Shuttlesworth.

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