Hat in hand, tin cup, on one knee - beggin' beggin' beggin'. Day Number 3 of the Newstalgia Fund Drive. It's going to a completely worthy (and, somewhat noble I might add) cause; keeping the Archives alive and keeping Newstalgia up and running. The costs are horrific and the bills are mountainous. We're broke and history can be expensive.
I wish I had coffee mugs and t-shirts like our sister site C&L has, but no. Newstalgia can't offer anything but more rare stuff, more complete news and speeches (not like the clips you hear everywhere else - a big 30 seconds worth), and more stuff you just won't hear anywhere else, maybe on the planet.
Let's put it this way - where else can you go where you can hear Adlai Stevenson and Father Coughlin Monday through Friday, some Mahler on Wednesday, Radiohead on Saturday and Miles Davis on Sunday?
Yeah, I thought so - no place. That's what Newtalgia is all about. Trying in our weird way to make your life a little more interesting, a little more involved and a little more informed.
But I really need your help doing that. Anything you can do is appreciated. And a big round of applause to the people who have already made contributions. You're making a difference and I'll be around as long as you're around.
And while you're mullin' it over and kickin' the tires, Roscoe has a word or two . . .