February 19, 2010


(Lush - put the gaze in shoegaze)

Probably one of my favorite bands to come out of the UK in the early 1990s. Lush were one of the first, if not the first, to be pegged as "shoegaze". Whether that moniker fit or not is probably more for music historians to labor over and decide. All I knew at the time was they were hypnotic, ethereal and spell-binding. Although, to be honest Miki Berenyi was rather breathtaking in her own right. The flaming red hair and her Japanese-Hungarian presence was a definite plus in their favor.

But beyond looks, they were a great band to listen to for the time they were together. Sadly, the suicide death of their drummer Chris Acland called an end to what was a thoroughly engaging and talented band who are missed even today.

Tonight's track is off Spooky, their first album, which was issued here via Reprise/Warners. This track, Monochrome ends the album.

Hard to imagine this album is almost twenty years old. Certainly doesn't sound it.

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