August 4, 2010

Jarrett_Garbarek(2) modificato_9da84.preview.jpg
(Keith Jarret with Jan Garbarek - whenever two minds think as one: Magic)

Another favorite tonight. One of my most worn and cherished albums, ever since it first came out in 1974. The legendary collaborations between Keith Jarrett and Jan Garbarek of which this track The Windup, comes from the ECM album Belonging, also featuring Palle Danielsson and Jon Christensen. ECM was one of those labels that came out in the 70's just at a time when Jazz was melding with some aspects of the Progressive rock movement (and vice versa), most notably some of the experimental German and Italian bands on the scene around this time. And it was this wonderful experimental spirit, and artistic freedom that made every release of an ECM album an eagerly anticipated experience.

And the Jarrett/Garbarek sessions were testimony to that creative freedom.

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