August 21, 2009


(Before ELO, Jeff Lynne had a little band called Idle Race)

I just noticed Late Night Music Club put up some ELO, and that reminded me of an earlier band Jeff Lynne was in. Idle Race were certainly one of the catchier bands of the psychedelic era, and the bore a strong musical resemblance to another band from the same period, The Move. So much so, that Idle Race actually recorded (or covered as they used to call it)a Move song "Here We Go Round The Lemon Tree". So it would only make sense that Lynne would join The Move in 1970 which would eventually morph into ELO a few short years later.

But for now, here is a track off their first album, Birthday Party issued in 1968 for Liberty Records in the states and the UK, On With The Show - don't let the cartoon music fool you at the intro - it gets down to business in a few seconds.

But Psychedelia was unpredictable that way.

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