December 10, 2009


(Sparks in their earlier incarnation as Halfnelson - further evidence the name is everything)

Sparks became something of a West Coast institution in the early 1970s. Led by the inimitable Mael Brothers (Ron and Russell), they were first introduced to the record buying public in 1971 as Halfnelson via their first album which was a set of reworked demos whipped into shape by Todd Rundgren. The album barely made a dent, in fact it made so negligible a dent, Bearsville, the label which released it, re-released it with Halfnelson now known as Sparks - to considerably better results. Which just goes to show you that there really is something to be had in a name.

Sparks have grown and changed over the years, but have always maintained their idiosyncratic style set by Ron and Russell.

And in case you've either forgotten what they sounded like in the dim-distant past or have never heard them when they started out, here is a track off that first self-titled album, No More Mr. Nice Guys.

Still classic. Honest.

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