December 13, 2011

An Emotional Fish - riding on the coat tails of U2, at least for a little while.

Tonight it's Irish Alternative band An Emotional Fish and their biggest single, the 1990 hit Celebrate. Discoveries of U2 who were also one of the first signings to their label Mother Records. An Emotional Fish got started in 1988 and rose rather quickly to prominence and later were opening act to U2 during their 1993 Zoo TV tour. They were eventually licensed to Atlantic where Celebrate became their one and only hit in the US.

An Emotional Fish were bigger in their native Ireland than they were the rest of the world and after their initial success failed to yield follow-ups, they were dropped by Atlantic, but continued releasing material in the UK.

They more or less drifted into limbo around 1994 and dropped pretty much out of sight with founding members going in different directions and forming other bands.

Such were the 90's.

This version of Celebrate is an extended mix featured on the Maxi-single issued by Atlantic and I suspect not anywhere else.

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