July 27, 2009

Dana Gillespie 1968_f33f0.jpg

(Dana Gillespie - Championship Water Skier, Pop Singer, David Bowie Discovery, Blues Belter . . in that order)

Most people probably remember Dana Gillespie from her RCA album "Weren't Born A Man" which had the distinction of a: being produced by David Bowie and b: best use of a corset in a photo shoot.

I suppose if you wanted to get really abstract about it, her pop-star period could resemble that of Samantha Fox, only in the 1960's. But I think that would be a cheap shot, because Dana Gillespie was (and still is) multi-talented, as is evidence by her solid reputation as a blues singer these last twenty years.

This particular track goes back to her first album issued in 1968 (although it dates to 1967. it wasn't issued in the states until a year later). It's rumored to feature a virtual who's who of London session musicians, including Jimmy Page. "You've Just Got To Know My Mind" opens the album Foolish Seasons, and is written by Donovan. It's a great track that sadly made little impression in the U.S. but was enough to establish her as a major artist in the U.K. and Europe (which was no mean feat, considering the competition at the time).

I admit, it rocks.

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