September 22, 2009


(Can - perfected the fine art of having your mind blown)

Surprisingly, a lot of people I have run into lately have never heard of Can before. To say they spearheaded the Krautrock movement in the 1970's is a little disingenuous. They were heavily involved in electronic music in the 1960's - two of the band members studied under Karlheinz Stockhausen. Irmin Schmidt, the co-founder once told me, that, in addition to working with Stockhausen, as a student he had worked for the East Berlin Opera as a repetiteur (before bolting to the West). So the band came from a more hardcore place than just plunking around on synthesizers.

Anyway - Can have a long and celebrated career and have been influential in a lot of musical circles.

This track Come Sta, La Luna comes from their last album for United Artists "Soon Over Babaluma", recorded in 1974 and released just before they signed to Virgin.

The band went through a number of personnel changes over the years before finally packing it in around 2001. But they are still very much involved in a lot of solo projects as well as working with other bands.

They definitely put their mark on the 70s though.

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