July 22, 2010

(Nobody said the 1920's were dull)

Before I head back into more familiar territory, I thought I would end up this excursion to free-for-all with one last nod to the 1920's and a disc made in 1922 for the Cameo Record Company.

Novelty records were a big item in the early days of the phonograph, the most popular being "laughing" records. Some featured two people laughing for an entire side of a disc (or two sides in one case) while others had laughing saxophones with a band accompanying. This particular disc, Laff It Off by The Bob Haring Orchestra was made during the days of acoustic recording (microphones hadn't been invented yet), and features what is probably the first laughing solo with band backing.

Further evidence not all history is grim and not all music needs to make sense.

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