(Blossom Toes - destined to morph into several other things) [media id=17286] In September last year I played a track off the first Blossom Toes a
June 22, 2010

(Blossom Toes - destined to morph into several other things)

In September last year I played a track off the first Blossom Toes album "We Are Ever So Clean", something of a cult classic even in 1967. Blossom Toes didn't venture too much outside of the UK and the rest of Europe and certainly neither of their two albums (this one and the second one, If Only For A Moment from 1969) were issued in the U.S. - No, that was for us import freaks to discover, and Blossom Toes were a great discovery. Produced by Giorgio Gomelsky and released on his own Marmalade Records label, they were a remarkably talented band who eventually found their way into a number of other bands when they finally split in 1970 and morphed into the neo-prog B.B. Blunder (who were issued briefly in the U.S. on Polydor) in 1972 while Guitarist Jim Cregan formed Stud and later joined Family before settling into Cockney Rebel and finally Rod Stewart.

Tonight's track is also off "We Are Ever So Clean". Telegram Tuesday is the fourth track off side one.

Honest, the fact that the song has Tuesday in the title never occurred to me.

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