February 27, 2011

The Balancing Act - deceptively simple for an 80's band..

Not together very long and somewhat lacking as far as recognition went, L.A. based The Balancing Act were part of that sub-genre of bands who blended aspects of Folk and Progressive at a time when most other bands were heading into either Techno or Metal territory. Had they gotten started a few years later, or hung on a few years more they would have been part of the Indie movement that got going in the early 90's. But whatever the timing situation was, they were a very personal band with a very stripped down and deceptively simple sound.

Only together from 1984 to 1989 they nonetheless put out three albums that were all highly individual and distinctive and probably could do with a second look right about now.

Tonight it's The Ballad Of Art Snyder from their 1987 album Three Squares And A Cot which came out via IRS Records.

I suspect you may not be familiar with the band - in which case, skip the first two paragraphs and hit the play button because like they always say "if you've never heard it before, it's new to you" and backstory doesn't apply.

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