(Aorta - came and went in a flash, but oh what a flash)
Even though I promised to do mellow this week, this track was already lined up to go for weeks and I had already promised some friends I'd run it. So bear with me.
Aorta was one of those phenomena so prevalent in the 60's. Bands that were really interesting either suffered at the hands of no airplay, no press or poor timing. In Aorta's case, I think it was all three.
From what little I know of them, they were from Michigan and recorded two albums for Columbia. I don't know what became of them; who they morphed into or even if they continued on in their musical careers. I am sure there is information around if you want to dig further.
Suffice to say this track, Sleep Tight (which also transitions into Catalyptic, so it's two tracks) has always been one of my favorites ever since first hearing the album when it came out.
And maybe it might do the same for you.