Another week of non-stop events. Between Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visiting Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe to drum up support against U.N. Sanctions, to the upcoming British elections and the latest turn of events for Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the ongoing situation in Thailand, Belgium's ruling on the Burqua, the financial crisis in Greece and the ongoing situation in the Gulf of Mexico and the looming environmental catastrophe.
(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - suddenly Robert Mugabe is his BFF)
Beginning with this report from Sunday the 25th, Talk Radio 702 in South Africa ran this recap of the visit from Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Zimbabwe and the political ramifications.
(The Whale, it would appear, has no say in the matter)
On Monday the 26th, ABC Radio National's AM Program ran an item on financial reform going on in Australia (strange, aren't we doing the same thing?) and the continuing negotiations over commercial Whaling in Japan.
(It seems the phrase "vote early-vote often" applies here too)
Also on Monday, the BBC Africa Service via their program Africa Today took a look at the recently held elections in Sudan and charges of voter fraud.
(Gordon Brown - putting ones foot squarely in ones mouth)
From the CBC's World At Six on the 28th, news of the ongoing Canadian bribery scandal, the worsening situation in the Gulf of Mexico and Prime Minister Gordon Brown's embarrassing moment with an open microphone.
(Not a great week for Greece)
Also on the 28th, the BBC World Service's Newshour devoted a good portion of their program to the financial crisis in Greece. A crisis that, at last report, is now spreading to Portugal and Spain.
(How to turn a political campaign into a Mea Culpa tour)
The Gordon Brown story won't go away. The BBC's 5Live dedicated their Story Of The Day to the Gordon Brown fiasco and the effect it's having on potential voters - not to mention bringing up the old "class differences" argument.
(The Oil Rig fire - rapidly becoming a disaster of epic proportions)
And finally, the Friday April 30th edition of Global News covers the worsening story in the Gulf Of Mexico as well as Belgian Government rulings on banning the Burqua and the implications the ban will have on the 1/2 million Muslims living in Belgium.
And no doubt a lot more, and probably a lot more developing at this very moment.