Update: We're about $1,200.00 away from our goal. Even for a normally relaxed Sunday night, donations have come in and your support and encouragement continue to amaze and energize. I can't tell you how much your support and generosity mean to me and to Newstalgia. With two days from deadline, it's been a nail-biting experience. But we're in the final stretch and I still need your help for these final days. If you haven't yet made a donation, no matter how small or insignificant you think your contribution may be, it is huge and every cent is needed. The people donating $1.00 and $5.00 all add up, and the result has made a difference. Your contributions to help keep this site up and the archives safe are beyond appreciated. My gratitude to all of you who have made donations can't really be put into words. Suffice to say I am humbled and touched. If you haven't made a contribution yet, please consider it - we're so close and we can do it. I need your help. We're going to make it. We really can.
For the newcomer to Newstalgia - Sunday nights, aside from classic Jazz is also classic Classical, by way of the Weekend Gramophone. Originally, it was supposed to be the place all the old 78's and early lp's were going to be posted. But lately it's shifted to showcase some of the amazing radio recordings that have not been commercially released. Such as tonight's post, which features the famed French Pianist Yvonne Lefebure in two Debussy pieces, recorded in the studios of the ORTF in Paris (French radio pre-1968). These recordings were made in the early-mid 1950's, and sadly there are no concrete dates of recording as there is nothing to indicate when they were recorded on the disc labels, only when they were aired. According to when the disc was broadcast, it appears to be 1955.
The two pieces featured are:
1. Debussy - from Images, Book 1 - Hommage à Rameau
2. Debussy - from Preludes - Danseuses de Delphes
More discoveries next week. In the meantime, enjoy.