In the seemingly never-ending task of digitizing the archive (rumor has it I will be finished sometime around mid-Century), I run across items that, although they may not pertain to anything of a current nature, or even of great importance from a historic standpoint, are still interesting to hear as a sort of footprint in time.
Such is the case with this press conference held by vice-President Johnson on his return from a fact-finding mission to Southeast Asia on May 24, 1961. It is pretty much standard early 60's Foreign Policy fare in a Cold War era. Everything was predicated on whether or not there was a Communist influence, acting as competition for U.S. aid. On its surface it seems like a Public Relations tour, were it not for our particular gift of hindsight in knowing what was just around the corner.
However, listening to this press conference, I can't help but think Lyndon Johnson had no clue it would be his cross to bear three years later.
Of course, we all know better now - we didn't know better then. Like LBJ in 1961, we had no clue what we were in for.