Adlai Stevenson - Health Care was everybody's business At the opening of the Medical Center at New York University, Adlai Stevenson delivered an address on the need for a comprehensive Medical system. Yes, in 1955 it was broken too. Adlai
February 7, 2011

Adlai Stevenson - Health Care was everybody's business

At the opening of the Medical Center at New York University, Adlai Stevenson delivered an address on the need for a comprehensive Medical system. Yes, in 1955 it was broken too.

Adlai Stevenson: “The situation is then, that a sound new principle for improved distribution of medical service has been approved by a substantial majority of Americans. And that the ways and means to implement it are at hand. This represents, actually a great experiment in a private, neighborly meeting of the ever enlarging problems which are so characteristic of our expanding society. It is very important that there be understanding and cooperation between the Medical profession and the community generally. For our health is after all everybody’s business. And it is imperative that discussion not be frustrated by the familiar shout of Socialism that seems to bedevil all forward steps in this country.”

As I've been posting throughout this past year, the subject of Health Care, affordable Health Care with a Public Option has been the target of the Insurance lobby with shrieks of Socialized Medicine ever since the late 1930s.

The notion that, if there was to be any kind of change in the system at all, the noise-driven opposition had to quit has been around forever. But the noise-driven opposition just keeps doing what it does best; confusing and terrifying. And the end result is, you lose.

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