Newstalgia Pop Chronicles featuring the radio talk program Conversation, discussing how the younger generation seem so much more conservative. Oh?
March 27, 2011

"We were so much older then, we're younger than that now."

One of the lovely aspects to Generation Gaps is that every previous generation is somehow convinced the proceeding one is headed straight to hell or worse, boredom.

And it wasn't any different in 1957 when this radio talk program Conversation aired. The subject was "Unflaming Youth" and it's basically decrying the woeful lack of adventure of this new generation and the painful conservatism they were displaying. Teenagers of the 1950's - who knew?

Taking part in the discussion were Moderator Clifton Fadiman, Executive director of the Girl Scouts Dorothy C. Stratton and Professor of American Civilization at Brandeis University Max Lerner.

Max Lerner (Professor of American Civilization): “Our generation is decidedly more adventurous than the generation that follows . .

Clifton Fadiman (Moderator): “Aren’t we complacent, Miss Stratton?”

Dorothy C. Stratton (Girl Scouts): “Yes we are . .

Lerner: “ . . .and I wish it weren’t so because they seem to regard us as really immoral people. I get this feeling from many youngsters.”

And echoes of that same conversation go on all the time, and all starting off with "these kids today . . . "

It doesn't change.

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