(The Damned in 1976 - Officially released the first Punk 45 ever) [media id=16617] A documentary from BBC Radio 2 first aired in 2006, "Is She Rea
May 23, 2010

(The Damned in 1976 - Officially released the first Punk 45 ever)

A documentary from BBC Radio 2 first aired in 2006, "Is She Really Going With Him?: The Story Of The Damned" traces the beginnings of what became known as the seminal punk band releasing the first known Punk single. New Rose was first issued in the UK on October 22, 1976 and the movement was christened. Quickly followed by The Sex Pistols and the fracas surrounding "Anarchy In The UK" and The Clash, The Damned didn't achieve the notoriety the other two bands did, but they were a pioneering band responsible for changing the face of music for a number of years.

And you get to hear how it all happened from the people who made it happen.

And Music was never the same.

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