September 19, 2010

Jimi Hendrix - timeless

If you haven't heard by now that September 18th, marked the 40th anniversary since the passing of Jimi Hendrix, you are probably not looking at this post either - so it really doesn't matter.

But if you do and you are, I can't think of a better tribute to him than to play one of his concerts. His studio recordings have been the stuff of legend and scrutiny practically since the day they were released. But to see him live was another situation entirely. Luckily, there's enough footage of him around to get a feel for what the live gigs were like, even if it's not quite the experience of actually being there. Nevertheless, Jimi Hendrix was a truly gifted musician and an icon for a generation - there's really no doubt about that. And this concert gives you at least a partial glimpse why.

So I found one of his concerts, recorded on May 24th 1969 in San Diego. This was a few months before the original Experience started going their separate ways (Noel Redding being the first to leave, having formed Fat Mattress in 1968) and a few months before Hendrix put together The Band Of Gypsies.

I'm sure, like all his unofficial material, it's been circulated all over the place. The sound on this one is pretty good (as many aren't). So as long as you couldn't be there (or were born way after it happened), this is probably the next best thing for now.

Enjoy and remember Jimi kindly.

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