February 16, 2011

Gunther Herbig - quite the globetrotter of late.

Over to Madrid this week for a live concert with Orquesta Sinfonica y Coro de RTVE (Spanish Radio and TV) guest conducted by Gunther Herbig (who seems to be guest conducting everywhere at once). The concert features a well-known batch of music by Ravel (Ma Mere l'Oye), Debussy (Nocturnes) and Beethoven (Symphony Number 7). The concert was broadcast live and recorded on February 4th.

As always, it's broken up into two players - the top player features the Ravel and Debussy and the bottom player features the Beethoven.

Announcements are in Spanish and, as always, they're cut down for time.

And the notes . . . .

Orquesta Sinfónica y Coro de RTVE Transmisión directa desde el Teatro Monumental de Madrid.

Part 1: RAVEL: Mi madre la Oca (suite).
DEBUSSY: Nocturnos.

Part 2: BEETHOVEN: Sinfonía nº 7 en La mayor, Op. 92. Orq.

Sinf. y Coro de RTVE. Dir.: Gunther Herbig.

Should fill the bill for Anti-Road Rage Wednesday quite nicely.

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