From Lausanne Switzerland this week for a concert recorded live on January 11th of 2011 by RSR Espace 2 Radio and featuring the Lausanne Chamber Orchestra conducted by Jesus Lopez-Cobos with Belgian String sensation Yossif Ivanov in music by Chausson and Ravel.
Running close to 2 hours, I split the concert into two parts. Here are the notes so you'll find out what's being played:
20.00 Concert
Eric Lavanchy et Daniel Rausis
Transmission directe du 3èmeconcert d’abonnement de l’Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne
donné à la Salle Métropole à
Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne
Yossif Ivanov, violon
Direction: Jesús López-CobosTop Player - Part 1 - J. Rodrigo: Zarabanda lejana y Villancico, pour orchestre
- E. Chausson: Poème pour violon et orchestre, op. 25
- M. Ravel: Tzigane, rapsodie de concert pour violon et orchestre
Bottom Player - Part 2 E. Halffter: Sinfonietta, en ré majeur pour orchestre
Good concert with the unfamiliar Halffter Sinfonietta as a stand-out piece.
Perfect Anti-Road Rage Wednesday material.