Newstalgia Downbeat with The Sauter-Finegan Orchestra, live at The Blue Note in Chicago, broadcast from September 12, 1953.
September 25, 2011

Sauter-Finegan - Ushered in Space Age and Jim Flora Album covers.

Big Band Jazz from the transition period. Sauter-Finegan were at the forefront of what would become the Space Age Pop/Bachelor Pad Jazz movement and pretty much the last gasp in the traditional Big Band Swing format.

Both Sauter and Finegan were former arrangers for notable bands. Eddie Sauter with Benny Goodman and Bill Finegan with Glenn Miller. They joined forces in 1952 and produced some highly successful singles for RCA Victor which incorporated a lot of unusual instrumentation and inventive arrangements.

Although they were popular as far as record sales were concerned, they weren't as far as a touring band. Embarking on a series of dates around the country to mostly dance venues, the Big Band format was rapidly losing favor with audiences and The Sauter-Finegan Orchestra quit the tour circuit altogether in 1955 and split up in 1957.

So this appearance at The Blue Note in Chicago from September, 1953 would mark it as a rare live date for the touring band still fresh and enthusiastic. It was broadcast by NBC Radio as part of their weekly All-Star Parade Of Bands series on September 12th.

A band somewhat forgotten in the grand scheme of things, but with some interesting ideas that carried on for others.

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