Newstalgia Backstage Weekend with legendary Italian Progressive group PFM, recorded live at Golders Green Hippodrome in London in 1975.
April 2, 2011

PFM - Broke through the language barrier and helped put Progrock on the map.

One of the most influential bands in the Progrock era of the early 1970's, PFM were one of the first Italian bands to break through the language barrier and achieve worldwide popularity. Championed early on by Emerson, Lake & Palmer, they were signed to the group's Manticore label where a number of their early albums for the Italian label Numero Uno were translated and remixed. The result was a new-found audience who not only gave them a strong and enduring fan base, but also did a lot to promote the wave of other bands throughout the world who came out of the Progrock woodwork.

Here they are, performing live at Golders Green Hippodrome in 1975 and recorded by the BBC.

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