News on this day in 1942 had everything to do with the War, and it was going on seemingly everywhere. News of the British Commando raid on the submarine base and port at St. Nazaire in France was good but there were conflicting reports on losses and prisoners taken. The Germans quoted 400 British commandos were taken prisoner while the British claimed "maybe 100" were taken. History later proved the number to be in the middle with over 200 taken - but morale was still high as the result of a successful operation. Also reports on Russian advances on the Eastern front. Meanwhile, a report on American troops in Australia and introduction of the new style helmets, which reminded some of the German army. But still, they were new and they looked more practical than the World War One "Doughboy" style helmets used at the beginning of the War. Fighting continued in Burma and there was talk of a proposal being put forth by Sir Stafford Cripps to grant India Independence and autonomy after the War. An announcement was to be made later on in the day. On the domestic front, Senator Burton K. Wheeler accused Big Business interests of trying to prevent development of plastic and synthetic rubber and Martin Dies accused vice President Wallace of harboring Communists in a committee he chaired.
Just some of the news that made March 30th just a little different than the others. This broadcast is from the NBC News Of The World for March 30, 1942.