On June 28, 1947 the news was all about the threatened Coal Miner's strike, set to go on July 8th unless a new contract was approved. Union Prez John L. Lewis was holding fast and the doomsday scenario was being bandied around Washington with threats of chaos and only a one month supply of coal above ground before it all went straight to hell. But a lot could happen between this day and July 8th when the Miners were scheduled to return from Summer Vacation and negotiators were burning lots of midnight oil over this one.
Weather wise, it was the same old-same old as far as the Mississippi River was concerned. It was flooding and taking a goodly chunk of Illinois along with it. After all this time you'd think . . . . . never mind. South Dakota was having it's special brand of disorientation with a rash of Tornadoes touching down and wiping out all over the state. Summer time and the livin' is nervous.
In other news this day - the last of the former Japanese fleet got parceled off by way of lottery with the last 93 ships destined for other ports or, in our case, target practice. Russia scooped up their winnings and wouldn't tell anyone what they were planning on doing. Meanwhile, the Paris Economic Conference reconvened and that's all they were saying as far as Ernest Bevin was concerned. Still the Press blackout and agitated Fourth Estate folk milled around, looking for rumors.
And what most likely came as a shock to people on June 28, 1947 and probably not at all today was the report from The Population Bureau that American's just weren't getting any smarter and, in fact were getting a bit dumber all the time.
Well now you have proof - it's official. A little known fact that's been with us for 63 years.
And that's what they said via NBC Radio's World News Roundup for June 28, 1947.