(Same as it ever was. Same. As. It. Ever. Was.) [media id=17299] In my never ending quest to find some historic evidence that the myth of bi-parti
June 24, 2010

(Same as it ever was. Same. As. It. Ever. Was.)

In my never ending quest to find some historic evidence that the myth of bi-partisanship ever existed, I had hopes that surely fifteen years ago things may have been a little different. Unfortunately the answer is no. Almost exactly the same. In 1995 it was Bill Clinton facing a majority Republican House and Senate. Budget, Taxes, Base closures and Presidential appointments facing filibusters. During the week of June 21-25, 1995 the filibuster threat came as the result of Clinton's appointment of Dr. Henry Foster to the post of Surgeon General. Phil Gramm voiced a sentiment that has become something of recurring mantra even today.

Phil Gramm (on confirmation of Dr. Henry Foster and a threatened filibuster): “This is the wrong person with the wrong views for the wrong job. I think we can serve the public interests by saying no. I think no is the right answer. I am confident we’re going to say it.”

And saying it over and over and over again.

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