News of the day for Christmas Eve 1964. Terrorist bombing of Officers quarters in downtown Saigon, local news from Detroit, United Nations news, Sports news.
December 24, 2010

Henry Cabot Lodge in Saigon - why is this man smiling?

Christmas Eve 1964 - all was not calm and all was not that bright. Vietnam was galloping into our national consciousness at breakneck speed, with reports of terrorist bombings in downtown Saigon. Weather was a topic of conversation this Christmas Eve (come to think of it, it's the topic of conversation on this Christmas Eve) as was the goings on at the United Nations. Sports was also factoring big that Christmas Eve in 1964.

Here is a morning newscast from ABC Radio affiliate WXYZ in Detroit on December 24, 1964 where it wasn't snowing and it probably wasn't going to snow that Christmas.

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