April 24, 2012

With nary a whisper of Gulags and Purges to be uttered.


Update: I won't bore you. See the post just before this for the full story and the full appeal, and also realize this is one of the posts you won't get to hear if Newstalgia goes away.

I ran a broadcast from Radio Moscow a few weeks back, indicating some networks were monitoring everything the Soviet Union was doing on a daily basis during the Cold War period. This one comes from NBC's shortwave monitoring facility and it's a half hour of Radio Moscow and the news of the Day, as only they could do it, from April 24, 1947.

Interesting when you give a listen, how the wheels of propaganda were turning during this early phase of the Cold War. Since they were heaping praise on Henry Wallace during his European visit, it's no wonder he was quick to be labeled a "commie" in some political circles here.

I doubt many people actually heard these, unless they were hobbyists and had shortwave radios tuned to this frequency every day. So if you're curious as to how the "Evil Empire" sounded in 1947 - have at it.

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