August 19, 2010

(Billy Carter - the thorny bumpkin in Jimmy's side)

August 19, 1980 - dog days of summer and all. Still, there were the Senate Hearings on Billy Carter's relationship with the Libyans, the strikes that started in the Gdasnk Shipyards in Poland were spreading all over the country and everyone was being cautious. The 1980 Presidential Election season was going full-blast and third Party Candidate Rep. John Anderson was busy taking pot-shots at Reagan and Carter.

Rep. John Anderson: “I have suggested, and I am trying to be as frank and honest with you this morning, that I clearly believe that the nominee of the one so-called Major Party, the Republican Party, could take us in the wrong direction. But let me be impartial in my criticism and say that I think the man who was just re-nominated by the Democratic Party, President Carter has simply taken us in circles.”

And the most high-tech thing being pushed in the marketplace was Smith-Corona.

All on this particular day via The World Tonight.

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