An occupy protester loudly shouts a question at Mitt Romney, What does he plan to do for the 99 percent, since he’s part of the one percent? Romney's reply?
Let me tell you something. America is a great nation, because we’re a united nation. And those who are trying to divide the nation, as you’re trying to do here, and as our president is doing, are hurting this country seriously. The right course for America is not to try to divide America, and try and divide us between one and another. It’s to come together as a nation.
And if you’ve got a better model, if you think China’s better, or Russia’s better, or Cuba’s better, or North Korea’s better... I’m glad to hear all about it.
But you know what? America’s right, and you’re wrong.
The barely under the surface racism coming from the GOP presidential contenders during this primary season is quite disturbing. 'Go back to Russia, or wherever you came from and take your Kenyan president with you?' Really, Mitt Romney? Really?