Here we are again. The Occupy Oakland livestreamer is livestreaming in LA tonight where word is that arrests and breaking down of the camp is "imminent." Rumor mill from folks on the ground also tell me that news coverage is limited to "pool" reporters. Any media within the perimeter not pre-approved by LAPD will be arrested along with the protestors.
November 29, 2011

Live streaming by Ustream

Here we are again. The Occupy Oakland livestreamer is livestreaming in LA tonight where word is that arrests and breaking down of the camp is "imminent." Rumor mill from folks on the ground also tell me that news coverage is limited to "pool" reporters. Any media within the perimeter not pre-approved by LAPD will be arrested along with the protestors.

Following on Twitter, where "OccupyLA" is trending.

Commander Smith of the LAPD is being praised by the livestream cameraman for his open communication with the protesters, making any orders clear to the protesters directly, as well as for making sure that officers identification is visible at all times. Although Commander Smith said moments ago that there would be no eviction or arrests today, and an enormous police presence is setting up in streets near the encampment. Dodger Stadium is - according to people on the ground in the video, not confirmed - being set up as a "central booking" area. Again, unconfirmed, but the police who are gathering in the streets are said to be preparing to move in at 12:01 am LA time. So, technically, that's "tomorrow" in LA and not "today."

If the LAPD doesn't lift media restrictions, the ACLU plans to file an injunction against them, according to the LA Times blog.

Police observed via livestream now at 1st and Broadway with rubber bullet guns. Also police with tear gas weapons. Very upsetting to hear they are willing to resort to these violent tactics.

From the LATimes earlier today, LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa claimed the "real" reason for the raid was because he'd just learned children were staying at Occupy LA overnight. Meanwhile, only a few blocks away, hundreds of children are forced to bed down every night in the largest skid row in America, a place literally crawling with drug dealers, violent criminals and pedophiles.

Where's the police raid to rescue those children?

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