Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office arrested Several “Occupy” protesters Monday at the old Palm Beach City Hall after they refused to leave despite an eviction notice from the city.
March 5, 2012

Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office arrested Several “Occupy” protesters Monday at the old Palm Beach City Hall after they refused to leave despite an eviction notice from the city.

Deputies with the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office, Fire Rescue, and Palm Beach’s Emergency Field Force worked together to remove about a dozen “Occupy” protesters from the site early in the morning on Monday, according to WPTV.

The protesters wrapped their arms in PVC piping and duct tape to stay secured to the City Hall’s balcony above the entrance to the building, the sheriff's office said. Fire rescue had to use a special tool to remove the piping around the protesters arms so they could be detached.

Protesters stood their ground throughout the week even though they had been warned by police they could be subject to arrest.

This was the third eviction for Occupy Palm Beach.

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