A group of 30 unemployed D.C. residents have occupied the D.C. office of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, demanding an audience with the Republican lawmaker.
The group, Our DC, advocates for the unemployed and the underemployed.
Roll Call describes the situation: "Clad in T-shirts with slogans communicating a demand for jobs, some of the protesters filled their time talking on cellphones. A few even appeared to be napping."
The group dined on pizza in the waiting room that was delivered to them thanks to a Twitter supporter.
OurDC wants the Kentucky senator to support President Obama's Rebuild America Jobs Act, a multi-part plan to spark employment that includes increased taxes on high earners. Republican leadership has signaled their opposition to such a measure.
The group certainly couldn't have chosen a tougher gig to occupy, McConnell not being much of a people person with the natural charisma of an oyster, and having absolutely no interest in helping create jobs for Americans. His only goal being the prevention of a second term in office for Obama. Almost enough to make you wish Herman Cain on the senator.
The group has vowed not to leave until they meet with McConnell.